Book 1
- Issue 1 -
Over the centuries, many have heard the myths of the Amazon Woman Warrior. Yet few know where such tales began.
It all starts with young Taysha of the Amazoi tribe.
And it is from her tragic tale that the myths of the Amazons would one day arise.
Book I
- Issue II -
After days of traversing the mountain passes, starving, poisoned and fatigued beyond her imagination, Taysha finally surrenders to Death.
But, the appearance of a stranger tells Taysha her story is not yet over.
The only question is:
Has he been sent by the mischievous gods?
Or by the protective Goddess?
Book I
- Issue III -
Training to ready herself to face any man who would stand between her and her journey to the Great Water, Taysha chooses the test her skills against Adit.
But, the outcome is not one she could ever have imagined.
With a new options shown to her, Taysha must decide to remain on the path to be with those who have traveled beyond, or go back for those who may remain behind in the hands of the Hoorg.